Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking Susan Cain book reviewQuiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

By Susan Cain

Crown, 2012. 11 hours or 333 pgs. Adult Nonfiction


Cain explains how U.S. culture favors extroverts, often ignoring the assets of introverts, who are dismissed as being shy and easily overlooked and simply because they are often not as loud, have their insights and skills go unacknowledged. However, Cain argues, with highly informative and interesting research, that the very skills that as so easily dismissed, such as thoughtful-thinking and autonomy, often are just what businesses, organizations, and individuals need to succeed. She shares stories of successful introverts (including Warren Buffet and Steve Wozniak) and how their success came because of, not in spite of, their introvertedness.


This book is AWESOME! It has so many fascinating topics of discussion, from how the Harvard Business school model has affected American culture and even education for kids, how Evangelicalism by nature is extroverted and can cause frustration in introverts who want to be a part of the faith, and the difference between American emphasis on extroversion and Asian emphasis on introversion. It was all very thought-provoking and written in a very engaging style.

For those who are introverted, this book is liberating, as it reassures us that we are not socially inept, of less worth than introverts, and doomed to a lifetime of being overlooked. Instead, Cain encourages embracing our particular skills to achieve success. For extroverts, this book would be just as valuable, as it explains the personalities of 1/3 to 1/2 of the population. It would be particularly helpful to business managers, as they might learn not to overlook the introverts who could truly benefit their organizations, or force them into work styles that aren't beneficial to them. I personally think this should be required reading for just about everyone.

I listened to the sound recording; Kathe Mazur did a great job as narrator.

5 stars. A little bit of language, but not enough that anyone should think it outweighs the many merits of the book.

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