Friday, June 7, 2019

A Proper Scandal

A Proper Scandal
By Esther Hatch
Published by Covenant Communications

After being orphaned years before, Grace Sinclair was taken in by the vicar and his wife. Now, as a grown woman, her beauty is making it difficult for the vicar's daughters to find suitors, and so, Grace is sent to live with her aunt, uncle, and cousin. She heads to London where she soon finds that her uncle-by-marriage is a horrible person who intends to use Grace for his own purposes. While he makes it clear he wouldn't mind forcing himself on her, he restrains--only because he needs her to wed the son of a man whom he owes money in order to keep himself out of debtors' prison. So, with her virtue intact, she has strict instructions that within two weeks, she must be caught in a compromising situation with Mr. Barton so that he will be forced to marry her. While creating such a scandal is abhorrent to Grace, staying in her uncle's home seems worse, especially when she meets Mr. Barton and finds he might be one man she could actually fall in love with. Nate initially seems determined to stay away from her, but when he starts to soften toward her, Grace wonders if she can actually follow through with tricking him into marriage.

 This book was so funny and yet heartfelt, too. Grace was really sweet and unconventional (I had just had to laugh at some of her interactions with Nate!)--and woefully bad at creating her needed scandal. I liked seeing how she wore down Nate's resistance just by being herself. I also love Nate and how he's such a gentleman and doesn't take advantage of Grace even when he's given ample opportunities. I found both characters to be well-developed and just loved being able to watch their journey together. If you're looking for a fresh clean romance that will have you laughing, this is your book!
5 stars and one of my picks for the Best of 2019.

I read an ARC provided by the publisher via #NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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