Monday, April 6, 2020

Lakeshire Park

Lakeshire Park
By Megan Walker
Published by Shadow Mountain

Amelia Moore and her sister Clara are invited to a house party, and, desperate to be settled before their stepfather's impending death, which will leave them with nothing and no one to care for them, Amelia will do whatever she can to help Clara get a proposal from Sir Ronald. Unfortunately, the exceedingly annoying Peter Wood's sister Georgiana also wants to secure Sir Ronald's affections and will do anything he can to thwart Clara's and Amelia's efforts.
In order to give Clara the chance to spend time with Sir Ronald, Amelia has to spend time with Peter--and as much as he initially irritates her, she soon finds there's more to him than she initially thought. But with their situation dire, Amelia can't be swayed by her heart and must stick to the practical plans that will give her and Clara the security they need, especially when an opportunity for Amelia to make a match arises, too.

I'm super excited for another great Proper Romance! I loved seeing the interactions between Amelia and Peter--it was just great seeing how annoyed with him she was and that she had no idea he was totally falling for her. The romance was sweet and charming--oh, that Peter has some really good lines! I also liked (most of) the secondary characters; it was refreshing to read a Regency where most of the women were quite kind and not petty and belittling. The plot was great; it moved along well and was interesting. Fans of the Proper Romance series and Regency romances in general will not be disappointed!

4.5 stars.

I read an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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